Activities in the wild is an activity that is fun, because we can see, enjoy, admire and learn about God's creation of nature Almighty. The reason for doing activities in the wild, among others as a means sport , avocation , education , research , training or just relaxing to enjoy the beauty of nature.

These activities vary depending on destination, including hiking (hiking), rock climbing (rock climbing), searching caves (caving), rafting (rafting), diving (diving), surfing (surfing) or practice / practicum in the field of natural are free. It should be noted before making activities in the wild is preparation and careful planning of activities, including preparation of equipment / supplies, health and physical condition, the cost for the activities and data information on the location, paths, terrain and weather. Wherever the location that we're going, any type of terrain passed, how bad the weather is encountered or how big obstacles
come, is not a significant problem when equipped with the preparation and careful planning.
Conversely, if not carefully prepared and planned, it will cause an emergency condition, forcing us to survive (survival) before getting help or get out of situations and conditions that are unexpected. nowledge of survival is necessary for ordinary people who move in the wild as a "weapon" that can be used on the face of an emergency when pressed.
Preparation and planning activities in the wild should be tailored to the nature and scope of activities to be performed. With preparation and planning will reduce the risk of bad that may arise during activities such as climate / extreme weather, difficult terrain impassable or less of water resources.
These conditions must be anticipated as early as possible with the physical preparation, mental skills (skills) and data information. before doing the activity in the wild must prepare and plan activities with particularly good point information, terrain and weather, health and physical condition, travel expenses, the completeness of self-identity as well as clothing and equipment logistics.
Planning activities will make it easier to organize activities to be performed, by eliminating the possibility of bad risks that may occur.
According Yudiawan (2002), those plans should be based on "Guideline 5 W's + 1 H"
ie Who, What, Why, When, Where and How.
1. WHO, who hold events, with whom we go, who is so leader (leader) and who is most experienced in the field.
2. WHAT, what type of activities, what purpose, what obstacles, what would done and what equipment to bring.
3. WHY, why we should participate and why choosing such activities.
4. WHEN, when its activities, how long the time, day or night and in winter What activities are performed.
5. WHERE, where the activity, where the nearest place for help.
6. HOW, how to reach the location of activities and how to deal with the risk of bad that may occur.
Of all the preparations are done, there's one thing most important to note that knowledge about themselves, especially the physical and mental (Edwin, 1987). Another attempt to avoid the things that are undesirable notify all plan our activities in detail to others, including change of plans amid street by writing on a piece of paper wrapped in plastic and taped to the tree or communicate to other climbers.
Equipment that must be prepared depending on the needs, objectives, type and duration of activities. Equipment that is too much will make it effective and efficient, while too little equipment could not meet during the activity. Rimpala (1998) and Rimpala (2002) states that perlengakapan required in activities in the wild consists of basic equipment, special equipment and additional equipment, while Yudiawan (2002) states that the supplies required in the activities in the wild consists of personal equipment, group of technical equipment and supplies.
1. Personal Equipment
Personal equipment is the equipment items to meet all personal needs without relying on other people, namely:
a. Shoes ( must be strong, flexible, safe / safety, comfort, anti-skid) and socks ( enough thick, strong, comfortable and made from wool or synthetic )
b. Field clothing ( comfortable, durable, fast dry, protecting the body from various environmental conditions and are made of polyester or polypropilena or fulfill the 3 W ( wicking, Warmth, water / wind proofing )
c. Bag / backpack ( solid, strong material, waterproof and has a waist belt to reduce the wobble backpack )
d. Poncho / rain coat
e. Bedding ( clean, dry, warm and comfortable consists of sleepwear, mattress, sleeping bag / sleeping bag and jacket / sweatshirt )
f. Toiletries ( towels, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and shampoo )
g. Drinking water and food ( must be sufficient quality and quantity )
h. Navigation tools ( compass, map, altimeter and GPS = Global Positioning System )
i. Stationery ( ball-point pen, books and pencils )
j. Supporting tools ( supporting the activities undertaken, such as HT (handy talkie), mobile (cellular phones), the protective leeches / gaithers, mosquito nets and other )
k. Survival kit consisting of a multipurpose knife, fishing pole, sewing needles, thread, rope snare, scissors, mirror, whistle, compass, catapults, rubber, loops, pins, matches in watertight packaging, high-calorie food, flashlight, medicine, radio communication and balloons.
2. Supplies Group
Equipment group are items of equipment brought to meet the needs of all members of the group, namely tents, medicines P3K ( First Aid Kit ), cookware and dining, machete and rope.
3. Technical Equipment
Technical equipment is equipment used for activities in the wild, depending on the type and purpose of activities. Equipment hiking differ from caving activities, as well as other activities.
Technical equipment is equipment used for activities in the wild, depending on the type and purpose of activities. Equipment hiking differ from caving activities, as well as other activities.
Packing is packing the items that have been recorded and will definitely put in a backpack. Packing will be easy retrieval of items when necessary, divide the emphasis on the backpack and keep the balance so that the backpack is not too heavy if it was taken. According Rimpala (1997) and Yudiawan (2002) principle is packing goods the weight placed on the top of the pack and as close as possible to the body, place items that are important and often used in places easily accessible and grouping of goods and protect it with
wrap in plastic (trash bag). Edwin (1987) adds the principle of utilize existing space in the backpack as efficiently as possible. Make a list of items (chechlist) and check back on when the goods inserted into the backpack, to avoid any items left behind. Checklist is a guide that can make a regular procedure and generate the confidence to beginners (Ismunandar, 1992).
Navigation is the determination of the position and direction of travel, both on the field trip or on a map.
Navigation consists of navigation on land, rivers, beaches and sea, but are commonly used land navigation (Yudiawan, 2002). Land navigation is the study of how one determines a place and provide shade terrain, both natural features and surface conditions of the earth with the help of at least a map and compass (Rimpala, 1994, Rimpala 1997, Rimpala Rimpala 1998 and 2002). Rimpala 1997 stating that the work of navigation land in the field as a fundamental starting point is the journey (intersection and resection), field marks, compass directions, estimate distance, field orientation and resection, changes in field conditions and know the altitude of a place.
1. Navigation tools consist of:
a. Compass is a tool to determine the direction of the wind based on the nature Earth's magnetic poles.
The main wind direction can be determined is N (North = north), S (south = south), E (east = east) and W (west = west), and other wind direction is NE (north east = east), SE (south east = southeast), SW (South West = west) and NW (north west = west). Type compass commonly used is the compass Sylva, compass orientation and compass viewfinder / prism.
b. Altimeter is a tool to determine the altitude of a place based on differences in air pressure.
c. Map is a picture of part / whole surface of the earth in the form of two dimensions with a ratio of a certain scale. The types of maps consists of maps technical, topographical maps and map overview / geography / region. Parts of the map among other titles, numbers, coordinates, scale, contour, year of manufacture, legends and magnetic declination.
d. GPS (Global Positioning System) is a radio-navigation system consisting of global from several satellites and earth stations. Its function is to determine the location, navigation (specify one location to another location), tracking (monitoring movement of a person / object), making the map on the entire surface of the earth and determine the exact time at any place.
2. Determine direction without a navigation tool
According Yudiawan (2002) in addition to using the navigation tools, we can also determine the direction of the wind with the signs of natural and artificial, namely:
a. Signs of nature that is the sun, moon and constellations
b. Signs made of mosques, tombs and make your own compass from needle / razor blade and a magnet placed above the water surface
c. Flora and fauna: - Feature trees are more dense is usually located on the west - Moss-lumutan Parmelia sp. and Politrichum sp. usually live better (Thick) in the western part of the tree - Forest pandanus plants usually tend to gravitate toward the east - The nest of ants / insects are usually located in the west of the trees.
3. Preventing and tackling the state lost Getting lost is a loss of orientation, not knowing the actual position and direction to be addressed.
This is usually caused by running at night days, not often enough to use a map and compass on the way, do not know initial point of departure on the map and do cut corners.
Yudiawan (2002) stated that the things you can do to prevent getting lost among others:
a. Always report to the relevant officers or the people you trust about the purpose travel, duration and number of members who participated .
b Always remember the circumstances surrounding the trip based on the five senses owned
c. Stay on existing lines by giving instructions on each intersection
d. Note the striking objects such as springs, hills, rivers or mountains
e. At the time runs occasional peek backwards, remember these pathways when viewed from the opposite direction
f. Learn the right navigation tools that take
g. Use the compass before the lost
g. Use the compass before the lost
h. Learning to read the signs of nature to determine the direction of the wind
i. Never believe in full to others, including the the leader.
Guidelines that can be used if lost is STOP, namely:
S = Seating, stop and rest with ease, get rid of panic
T = Thinking, think clearly (logically) in the situation at hand
O = Observation, observation / observation field at locations around, then determine the direction and the signs of nature that can be exploited or to be be avoided
P = Planning, make plans and think about the consequences if you decide something you would do (Addy, 2002).
Things that can be done to tackle the state lost is:
a. Creating a refuge (shelter) from danger or bad weather
b. Stay calm, do not panic, think clearly and try to remember a trip wire
c. Orientation can be facilitated by going to high altitudes / climb trees
d. Use a compass and map (navigation equipment) or a natural indicator
e. Create a guide to facilitate other people search for our existence, for example with the words, whistles, smoke, light or yell
f. Stay with the group in any condition
g. Exploit the situation by waiting for reinforcements, finding food, finding water and others.
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